Chapter 4: Recalling the Past

Previously, on Chapter Three..

After the long journey with Tyler and the chaotic event that happened earlier at Good Mornin' Salon, Summers finally accomplished her long-awaited mission--to reunite with Accel. She was introduced to some fellows and eventually grabbed the prize of meeting her only daughter, Shannen--in the flesh. It was also Tyler's first time to meet his fraternal twin--but it wasn't the way he expected it to be...

Soon the afternoon sun started setting down. The sky blended dramatically, turning deep orange. Later the quiet surroundings were animated by the hissing sound of crickets and calling of an owl. In the midst of the early darkness however, the small gathering at the sheriff’s house downhill still carried on. There, Accel kept himself busy telling his story about his life with Shannen, as the girl on the other hand showed Summers and Tyler some photos of their kept memories.

“That was my first championship after catching the biggest rainbow trout in Limestone Lake,” Accel told them—his finger pointing at a photo of himself carrying a prey which grew as long as his own arm.
“Was that Shannen, the little girl behind you?” Summers asked.
“Yeah, she was five years old,”

Shortly, Shannen turned to the next page of the album. Attached on it was a photo of a group of men.
“Those are my fellow officers of Sendsand Rangers. Standing in the middle is the handsomest of them all!”
“Let me guess—it’s you who’s on the middle…”
Accel laughed at Summers’ sarcastic tone. “You’re absolutely right, darlin’!” He answered and kissed the lady on the cheek.

Speaking of officers,” the blue-haired said in suspicion. “How the hell did you become a sheriff?”

That was the funniest thing I’ve ever heard,” Tyler murmured.

The man offered a mysterious stare at Summers. “Oh…that,”
He paused for a while as he slowly turned his head down and walked away, smiling.
“It’s a very long story, hon…”
“Cut the damn drama and tell me right now, Accel! Everything—and I mean everything!”

Accel paused.
“Remember the time when the Great War began twelve years ago?”
Summers rolled her eyes. Shannen listened as her brother, who sat inches away from them, quietly observed. Accel then carried on.

“Everyone in this place suffered from hunger, slow-death and maltreatment. At first, no one in Sendsand Town dared to rebel against the Snake Nation. But as several hellish months continued devouring the land, the locals finally woke up to reality. Civilians secretly gathered in groups and men of all ages, both the good and the bad, formed into an army to subjugate the dominants. I was one of them, because I was worried about Shannen’s future. Many of the enemies were defeated but sadly, half of our allies died too. The war between the civilians and the Snake Nation ended when their leader Shoshon was captured. Shoshon was later ordered by our new government to be killed, but one of the soldiers wrote a letter to the affiliates, requesting peace and order in the community instead of judgment. The congress was delighted upon the sender’s request, realizing that punishment wasn’t really a road to silence anyway. They released Shoshon from captivity as his men in return, retreated for their own good. The heroes of the revolution were rewarded and were later given the authority to become the Sendsand Rangers. And as for the sender of the tranquility message, he was also rewarded handsomely and later became the sheriff of Sendsand Rangers for his gallantry and patriotism.”

Everyone paused.
“Wow…I didn’t know that!” Shannen proudly spoke.

“Accel, honey…that’s too good to be true.”

Everyone paused and looked at the ironic Summers.

“Well…you see; your Daddy once was really—” the lady suddenly stopped and turned to Accel. The sheriff stared back at her, with wide guilty eyes.

“Daddy was what, Mom?” the innocent Shannen asked.
“Daddy was…was...” Summers continued. The twins waited for the magic words. Accel only showed those…well…guilty eyes.

“…Uum, yeah! Yer Daddy’s really great!” the blue-haired concluded and made a fake laugh.

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